Janey Buzugbe Faced Challenges She Wasn’t Prepared for as an Immigrant — so she Started a Business to Help Fellow Newcomers.
This Smith graduate’s non-linear career path led to her becoming a Deloitte consultant — with a ‘human-first’ approach.
Nicole McLaren développe sa boîte d’abonnement axée sur les autochtones – et aide ses fournisseurs à prendre de l’expansion en même temps.
Nicole McLaren is scaling her Indigenous-focused subscription box — and helping to grow her suppliers along with it.
Canada’s first zero-waste grocery store founder offers simple tips to make your shopping more eco-friendly.
Comment les personnes inspirantes peuvent contribuer à la réussite d’une carrière, quel que soit le secteur d’activité.
Meet Michelle Stilwell, Paralympic gold medalist turned politician turned director of rapid COVID testing.
Rencontrez la femme à la tête du premier fonds de capital de risque dirigé par des Noirs et soutenu par du capital institutionnel au Canada.
How Patricia McLeod turned corporate governance into a full-time job — even though she didn’t fit the typical board member profile.
Meet Gabriella Rackoff & Zoe Share: Toronto-based marketing & tech professionals & Co-authors of a kids’ ABC book about the pandemic
Meet Dr. Marwa Al-Sabouni: an Architect who co-founded the only Arabic website for architectural news