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Ahead of the Curve: How Jill Nykoliation is Redefining the World of Advertising

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Smith School of Business, Queen’s University. | Goodes Hall, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 |

Notable guest

Our Keynote Speaker

Picture of Jill Nykoliation <br>CEO of Juniper Park / TBWA

Jill Nykoliation
CEO of Juniper Park / TBWA

Jill is the founder and CEO of Juniper Park\TBWA; its design studio, Le Parc; its precision marketing company, Scalpel; and its content production company, Bolt Content. She works with a North American roster of leading brands including Apple, CIBC, GoDaddy, GSK, Nissan, PepsiCo, and UNICEF among others.

Jill was named one of Canada’s Most Powerful CEOs by Women’s Executive Network (WXN), as “Women to Watch” by Ad Age, and as Canada’s "Mad Woman" by The Globe & Mail. Her team has won the 2021 Effie Agency of the Year and 35 Effies, including two Grand Prix, an IPA Award, the Global WARC Prize, and her creative leads have earned 64 Cannes Lions. She is on several boards including Effies Canada, Young Presidents Organization (YPO), and is Vice Chair of the Institute of Communications Agencies (ICA).

Prior to founding Juniper Park\TBWA, Jill co-created Kraft Food’s award-winning CRM initiative across North America, in addition to holding numerous brand management and corporate marketing roles. After Kraft, she joined agency Grip Limited as Partner. Jill is a graduate of the Smith School of Business, Queen’s University. She is a sub-4-hour marathoner, an avid skier, and proud mother to her swimming-champion daughter, Olivia.

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Our Women of Influence Spotlight Series is designed to motivate and inspire the next generation of emerging leaders and provide a platform for them to meet their peers and role models who have had early success and high-profile careers. Keynote speakers share tactical advice on negotiation, leadership, entrepreneurship, communication and personal branding and a structured “Connecting Activity” enables our guests to make career-defining connections. 


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