Carolyn Lawrence explains “Why More Vacation Will Help Your Career”
“It’s been six weeks since the crush of September hit and 12 weeks since the wheels touched down on the tarmac, marking my return from a perfect vacation — and I’m feeling due for another.
Ah, the power of being relaxed. Thinking back on the glow I had post vacation, it was noticeable; I could handle anything. My son running wild? No problem. Water in the basement? Again? I can handle it. Deadlines looming without a plan we love yet? Let’s bring out the magazines and brainstorm old school! Nothing can stop me. I’ve got ideas and energy to give in spades!
But in the face of the heady September schedule of back to school, back-to-back meetings and evening events, my aching feet need refuge (I still love you heels, it’s not you, it’s me!). Something tells me I just might be hearing the warning signs…”
To continue reading about why going on (and recognizing the warning signs for) vacations will help your career, click here.