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Four Essentials to Boost Your Career

By: Notable
November 19, 2012


As the definitive source for all things related to young professional life, we like to think we have learned a thing or two about what it takes to get ahead in the business world. Success rarely happens by fluke; it requires tools, strategy and dedication to take your career from good to great. Behold our top 4 tips to progress your career:

Go Above and Beyond
As Dragon’s Den’s Brett Wilson told us earlier this year, “If someone in the workplace ever said ‘that’s not my job’, I would suggest that be the end of the job they thought they had.” In the workplace, people are going to notice (even if they pretend not to) if you routinely stay late and arrive early, take on extra projects and challenges. Going beyond your scope of work does not necessarily mean more work. One Toronto YP peer quickly caught the attention of higher ups when each day she would email a link to a relevant news or general interest story to coworkers, which was in some way related to their industry. Standing out, of course, also involves making a lasting impression so that people remember you the minute they discover your business card in their wallet. This means everything from eye contact, handshakes, posture and dress to the ability to maintain an engaging conversation.

Network, Network, Network
Our cities are filled with YP-oriented events and opportunities to expand professional networks, with a hot-ticket charity or networking event seemingly every week. Take advantage. It’s not all who you know, but let’s be honest, that’s a lot of it. Even if fellow young professionals belong to professions seemingly unrelated to yours, make an effort to meet and interact with other notables in your city who are doing great things and gaining influence in their respective industries. You never know when opportunities for collaboration, new clients, cross-promotion or new projects may arise. Seize moments and  opportunities to interact and brainstorm. Set up informational meetings with other YPs, whether with seasoned professionals with experienced brains to pick or with up-and-comers to watch for. Read full article>>