Meet Lexi Miles: founder and CEO of WAXON Laser + Waxbar

Lexi Miles is the Founder and CEO of WAXON Laser + Waxbar, launched in 2012 for both women and men on the go. Now with 13 locations nationwide and the launch of its innovative new-to-market laser, Lexi oversees all aspects of the WAXON business – from franchise building and day-to-day operations of existing locations, marketing, social media and growing WAXON’s independently produced product line. She is passionate about giving back to her community, supporting several non-profits in Canada including her role on the board of White Ribbon, an organization that strives to eradicate violence against women. Recently adding mom to her resume, Lexi resides in Toronto with her husband and baby girl.
My first job ever was…Cutting the greens and tees at a golf course.
I decided to be an entrepreneur because… All women and men deserve a convenient, affordable and quality wax. The behind the shower curtain at a nail salon was not it!
My proudest accomplishment is…Being able to provide career opportunities to women and allow our team to grow within WAXON as we expand our business and open more locations across the country.
My boldest move to date was…Meeting with potential investors while 8 months pregnant and actually closing my first investor raise 2 months post-baby! That’s right, I was literally negotiating the deal with my lawyer while in the labour and delivery room. No joke!
I surprise people when I tell them…People are always shocked when I tell them about my surprise wedding! My husband and I secretly planned our wedding in 60 days after finding out we were pregnant. We invited our family and friends to an “engagement party” that turned into a full surprise wedding, made complete with our pregnancy announcement!
My best advice to people starting a business is…Know your strengths, but even more understand your weaknesses and surround yourself with people who make up for those weaknesses. Surround yourself with diverse personalities that will challenge you vs. always following your lead.
My best advice from a mentor was…Stay true to yourself and your vision as you grow. No one knows your business better than you and what works for one business doesn’t work for all.
“Stay true to yourself and your vision as you grow. No one knows your business better than you”
I would tell my 20-year old self…Don’t stress or take life to seriously, enjoy being 20!
My biggest setback was…At age 24 I was working around the clock as a management consultant and constantly travelling. I became so run down that I got very sick with shingles. I had basically run myself into the ground mentally and physically.
I overcame it by…I took getting that sick as a sign to change my path. I quit my job, left a relationship that I wasn’t totally happy in, and ultimately grew the WAXON brand. I now do my best to champion and promote a healthy lifestyle with balance.
Work/life balance is…Since having my daughter, Piper, this has become a whole new challenge. For me, balance is never missing my 4 month old daughter’s music class, walking my husband to work in the morning and getting any kind of work out in for me – even if it’s 20 min!
The last book I read was…Little Black Stretchy Pants – Chip Wilson
I stay inspired by…My team of 150 women that show up every day and work so hard to make our mission a reality.
The future excites me because…We are just at the beginning of what we want to accomplish and there are so many exciting growth opportunities ahead of us!
My next step is…Well, we just launched laser services in our Waxbar, so obviously it’s WAXON world domination… one hair at a time!
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