Meet Jennifer Hamilton, CEO of Oxygen Yoga & Fitness, and 2018 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards RBC Momentum Award Finalist

Jennifer Hamilton
CEO, Oxygen Yoga & Fitness
Finalist, RBC Momentum Award, CENTRAL
When Jen Hamilton opened her first Oxygen Yoga and Fitness location, her goal was to create an environment where any person could come, regardless of age, gender or level of fitness, to channel their energy and focus back on themselves. Their mission for members — to realize “I Love my Life” — guides their business philosophy as well. Offering a wide variety of both yoga and fitness classes has attracted a broad clientele, and their unique FAR Infrared rooms sets them further apart from the competition. With a comprehensive franchise model, Oxygen Yoga and Fitness has grown to 68 locations across Canada — and more on the way.
My first job ever was… at A&W. I was actually under age to be working and I wrote a letter to the government asking permission for me to get a job and started working at 14 years old.
I decided to be an entrepreneur because… I don’t know if I decided to become an entrepreneur I think it happened naturally, I have always been very ambitious and have learned to trust in myself. I think when I gave up my security of my job with the school district that’s when I really took the plunge and trusted myself to become an entrepreneur. That was in 2006.
My proudest accomplishment is… my three beautiful children.
My boldest move to date was… choosing to become a single mother with three children as I started a business. I was completely terrified but trusted in myself to make this very big move.
I surprise people when I tell them… I have 68 locations sold across Canada and have built this business from the ground up since 2011. Selling my first franchise location in 2012.
My best advice to people starting their business is… grow their business is to make sure they are passionate about what they are delivering. Then, secondly, to have a team that is able to be as passionate as the leader in their area of expertise.
My best advice from a mentor was… to learn to delegate more and use their time and energy where best needed to support the growth and development of the company.
If I could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, it would be… Princess Diana.
“Trust in yourself and don’t let your ego get in the way of decision making processes.”
I would tell my 20-year old self… to trust in yourself and don’t let your ego get in the way of decision making processes.
My biggest setback was… sometimes letting my emotional side get too involved, rather than the logistical side of understanding that there is a yes and sometimes a no answer when making business decisions.
I overcame it by… making an advisory team to help in decision-making processes.
The last book I read was… The Greatness Guide by author Robin Sharma
I stay inspired by… being accountable to myself and surrounding myself with like-minded people. I continue to re-write and re-establish goals for myself and celebrate those accomplishments.
The future excites me because… I feel completely grounded with my children, my business and significant other. I have been successful in finding balance with these three areas in my life, as I am creating more time to be present.
My next step is… to support my Master Franchisers in the growth and development of more franchise locations across Canada. My goal would be by 2019 to have 100 locations sold in Canada.
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