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Erica Ehm round one-MuchMusic VJ, hat designer, and overseeing her own record label. The follow up? Motherhood, book publishing and the creation of a popular and growing website—not to mention songwriting awards, business accolades and overall achievement. What’s next on her professional bucket list? “Building an Ehm-pire” she tells us. Herewith, a few more thoughts from the reinvention star.


Besides formal schooling, the most educational experience I ever had was…

…and continues to be, running My background is as a broadcaster and now I’m working in the digital space, so I never stop learning. I feel like my brain is going to explode at the end of everyday. In a good way? Sometimes.

I am most proud of the fact that I…

Have an amazing, successful, thriving business, and amazing successful, thriving kids [aged 10 and 13]. I’m so proud of both of them. They make me very happy.

When it comes to my current job, my main responsibility is…

Problem solver. I get emails all day from people asking me how to deal with a variety of scenarios. My job is not to waffle, to provide strong leadership, and to solve the problem.

2 words that described me when I was 25 years old…

Focused and entrepreneurial. I was on MuchMusic, running a hat company and a record label. I don’t like to sit still. I need to be creating to feel happy.

My first job ever was…

I worked at McDonald’s and Wendy’s—at the same time—when I was 15. I got fired from both.

My first job taught me that…

I don’t follow rules very well.

I’m happiest when…

Surrounded by inspiring people. Seventy people contribute to my website on a daily basis. I’m blessed with inspiration.

2 words that describe me today…

On fire.

The worst thing anyone can do during a job interview is…

Never mention why you want to work for the company. Just talk about yourself.

The worst thing I have done during a job interview was…

Not care. I probably wasn’t very impressive because they may have detected a note of disdain in my voice.

My workday ends when…I can’t keep my eyes open anymore.

One thing I want the young women in my industry to know is

Be prepared to work harder than you ever thought you could. Exceed expectations. That’s the secret.

My work space is…


My blackberry / phone is always…

The best way to reach me.

I surprise people when I tell them…

That I really am that girl from MuchMusic.

I wish I were better at…

Playing, not working, being able to turn off and just play.

2 words I hope describe me 25 years from now…

Alive and inspired.

I am excellent at…

Getting it done.

When I was a kid, I was given this advice:

Don’t be afraid to ask. My mom told me that. That’s the key to every one of my dreams that came true. I made it happen.

If I had a personal tag line, a slogan, it would be…

“Building an Ehm-pire one mom at a time.”

I get angry when…

People don’t keep their promises.

One memorable failure happened when…

I fail all the time. I’m the queen of imperfection. I don’t beat myself up over it. I used to go for auditions all the time and I rarely got the parts.

It didn’t make me feel less of a person; it told me I needed to learn better skills.

5 years from now, I will be… Older. [Long pause.] A mother of teens.