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Q&A With Lindsey Deluce

Lindsey Deluce – Morning News Anchor, CP24

What inspires you?

Meeting people and hearing their stories. Listening. Taking a deep breath and allowing myself to absorb my surroundings.

What do you love most about working in media?

I love the pace and excitement. The news can change minute to minute and that keeps me on my toes.

What was your first job at CTV?

It was to turn the teleprompter dial for the anchor. I took the job because I knew it was a foot in the door. Everyone has to start somewhere.

What do you wish you knew as a young girl?

That it will work out. Mistakes are okay to make. Success is not a destination; it’s a process.

What has been the best professional lesson you’ve learnt so far?

Treat everyone with kindness and pay attention to who is around you. Learn the names of your co-workers. Everyone is important.

What is your greatest strength?

Remaining calm under pressure.

What are your top three professional values?

Integrity, honesty and compassion.

What is the biggest risk you have taken in your career?

Moving to Halifax, away from my family and friends. It was difficult, but I knew it would benefit my career.

What did you find most challenging about that experience?

Trying to navigate employment in Halifax was intimidating especially because I had never been to the city before.

How were you able to turn this challenge around into an opportunity?

I looked at it not only as a way to further my career but to further my personal growth. I made incredible friends and was able to experience a beautiful part of our country.

Can you give an example of another struggle in your career?

I tried for more than a year to get hired in Toronto.

What created that difficulty and how did you overcome it?

The industry is tough to infiltrate when you’re new to the business. Every time I heard ‘no’ I decided to use that as fuel to try harder. It paid off.

<strong?What is success to you? What do you strive for?

Doing what I love, surrounded by those I love.

How do you balance work and life?

That’s an ongoing battle. I try to use my weekends to re-set.

What is your favourite way to reset?

I love spending time at our family cottage. I feel most calm when I am sitting on the dock listening to the lake water lapping up against the shore.

What’s next for you to achieve?

To tackle motherhood. My husband and I are so excited to meet the newest member of our family. This is unchartered territory, and it’s going to be busy!