Top 25 Women of Influence 2018 – Up and Comer: Mylene Tu

Mylene Tu
Founder, FEM in STEM
This 18–year-old engineering student from the University of Waterloo is helping to bridge the gender gap within STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). In April of 2018, Mylene Tu founded FEM in STEM, a social enterprise that acts as a hub of resources for young girls to engage in the STEM community. Her mission is to encourage high school girls to “Find. Explore. Motivate.” Her three core fundamentals include helping young girls: 1) FIND out about networking events, high school outreach programs, STEM clubs, and scholarships across Ontario; 2) EXPLORE the facts about gender statistics, and leverage them to evoke inspiration for change and awareness; 3) MOTIVATE one another through establishing a foundation for networking early on and connecting with girls in the same situations. In less than six months since its inception, FEM in STEM has over 70 community members across Ontario, has gained support from close to a dozen organizations across the province, and has signed a statement of support following the UN Global Compact principles. Mylene is currently working with Women on the Move to expand her initiative, with big goals to visit high schools across Ontario in Fall of 2018.
As a Top 25 Women of Influence Up and Comer, we recognize Mylene for the work she has done so far, and the potential her future holds.
Who else are we honouring? See the full Women of Influence Top 25 list for 2018.
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