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Arianna Huffington On The Third Metric: You Can Complete A Project By Dropping It

Claire Sibonney, HuffPost Living Canada  |  09/11/2013

If you’ve ever felt burdened by an uncompleted project, one that you know deep down you’ll never get around to, Arianna Huffington has some welcome advice.

“Did you know that you can complete a project by dropping it?” Huffington told a women’s business audience in Toronto on Wednesday. She said that in her case, dropping projects — learning to ski and to speak German, for example – led to feelings of relief, not a sense of failure. And by dropping them, she was free to pursue the things she truly cared about.

“Any project that you’ve started in your mind drains energy,” Huffington said. “One of my favourite sayings is ‘100 per cent is a breeze, 99 per cent is a bitch.’

“That doesn’t mean ignoring my other needs, but it means when I’m in it, I’m really in it. And that means often saying no to good things, to things that you might want to do, but get in the way of sleep, or get in the way of being with your children, or whatever it is that’s also very important to you.”  Read full article >